Friday, January 2, 2015

Art Night 2014

Blue Ridge Elementary's Second Annual Art Night was December 11th, 2014 from 5-7pm.  Every student had art work displayed throughout the school.  The Sixth Grade Chorus performed in the cafeteria while snacks were served.  There were several activities in the gym including, ornament making, watercolor painting, clay, and demonstrating artists.  There was also a scavenger hunt with the student artwork that encouraged families to work together to answer questions.  It was a wonderful experience for families at Blue Ridge to share!
Families viewing hallway artwork

Activities in the gym

Featured Student Artists displaying and demonstrating their talents. (Savannah Wilcox and Chris Sturgill)

Docia Denny showing her quilting

Appalachian State University students brought a fun watercolor activity for the students of Blue Ridge.

Jimmy Savely brought clay and tools for students to experiment with.

The Ashe County Arts Council shared program information and had a coloring activity for students.

High School volunteers did face painting.

Painting a mini canvas was a hit!

Paper ornament making station

Pop up card making station

Christy Hoffman brought a spinning wheel for students to try

Christy Hoffman also brought a loom for the students to try their hand at weaving.